spaces in Vasai

Prices starting at Rs.899 per day

About us

Influenced by the growth of start-up culture, the demand of office space has risen significantly over the years. Dfactory is a cost-efficient co-working space. We are one of the largest office spaces around and there’s always room for everyone. Whether you are a budding youth on the hunt for a single desk space for your freelance or an entrepreneur looking for a new location to set up your office, you are at the right place. We at Dfactory ensure you an environment that inspires you to achieve bigger and better. Bringing you an encouraging co-working experience that enhances productivity and efficiency. When you choose Dfactory, you choose a partner that understands all your requirements.

Our Location

Take a closer look at our super spacious co-working spaces in Vasai

Our Philosophy

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our plans

The All-Time Hustler’s Plan

Clear the path- these are the people who will take the world by storm. You do not want to get into their way. Characterized by a strong zeal to make something for themselves in a world of strong neck-to-neck competitions.

The Sudden One-Day CEO Plan

This might just be you! Get your hustle to our co-working space, and our aura will just help you double your efficiency. Try us for a day, and you’ll never want to work on your home desk again!

Office Geek Plan

For all those who love structuring, want to design their own office spaces with their own cabin, get your OCD for organizing stuff rolling! We give you reasons to roll up your sleeves and work on your space, your time and most importantly a cubical that’s 100% yours.


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